We know how busy you are and that you don’t always have time to research what’s going on at BRR. But take a minute to check out the various member benefits available to you, as they’re meant to actually save you time and money, and to provide the information you need to get things done more efficiently and effectively. Browse our online Member Benefits brochure to learn more, and for more immediate gratification, take advantage of these five member benefits now:

What does BRR do for my business? Learn more about your BRR benefits in our Member Benefits brochure.
- Two discounted Idaho Commission CORE courses per licensing cycle. View our Upcoming Classes for dates and details.
- Free social media content from the National Association of REALTORS® “That’s Who We R®” initiative and through Boise Regional REALTORS® social media pages. Share, re-post, and re-purpose anything you’d like from these sources!
- Free market reports and analysis about real estate activity in Ada, Elmore, Gem and Canyon Counties (updated monthly) for you to use in your research, presentations, and communications.
- Free or discounted events featuring local experts and national speakers, providing insights on the housing market, economy, and legislative issues.
- Discounts and exclusive offers on products and services through NAR’s REALTOR® Benefits Program, and competitive prices on open house and rider signs in BRR’s REALTOR® Store.
Still have questions or looking for something specific? Contact us anytime. BRR is your local connection to the real estate industry and we’re here to help you take full advantage of your membership benefits. And if you’re not currently a REALTOR® Member with BRR, join here!
Whether you’re a new agent or have been selling real estate for years, these are common questions and it’s easy to mix up these organizations which sometimes have some overlap.
Member counts in the graphic above are from 2022.
If you’re not sure who to call or which website to start searching… remember that Boise Regional REALTORS® is your local connection to the industry, so reach out to us anytime! We’re here to help. Give us a call at (208) 376-0363, or email us at info@boirealtors.com.
Boise Regional REALTORS® (BRR) — Treasure Valley Focus; Highlights include market stats, networking events, the Young Professionals Network (YPN), REALTOR® Awards Gala, REALTORS® Community Foundation, not to mention, local staff providing friendly, personalized service! Learn more at https://www.boirealtors.com or apply for membership at www.boirealtors.com/membership/.
Intermountain MLS (IMLS) — Regional Focus; Popular tools include Paragon, Instanet, and FormSimplicity, Supra keys and lockboxes; ShowingTime; HomeSnap and Realtors Property Resource®, online tax records… and much more. Visit imlsmembers.com/home.
Idaho REALTORS® (IR) — Statewide Focus; Unique offerings include statewide real estate forms; ethics, arbitration and ombudsman dispute resolution services; and free technology and legal hotlines. Learn more at idahorealtors.com.
National Association of REALTORS® (NAR) — National/Federal Focus; Unique offerings include REALTOR® branding and consumer marketing tools, market research and trade publications, and national conferences and expos. Visit nar.realtor to learn about these benefits and many, many more.