We’ve received another report of a scammer attempting to use MLS listings to bait contractors into completing work on listed or recently listed homes (we received similar reports earlier this year and in February 2018). The scam works this way; the scammer asks the contractor for a bid for work on a home that is listed or was recently listed, then asks the contractor/company to make a payment with the promise they will pay them back.
Fortunately, the scam was unsuccessful because the contractor called the two listing agents for the two addresses the scammer provided, and both informed him that no work was to be done, and no payments should be made.
If you are a contractor or service provider and you have a suspicion that the person asking you for a bid is a scammer, contact the owner of the property or listing agent to confirm that work is being requested.
Have a safety alert to share? Please email taylor@boirealtors.com.