We’ve received another report of a scammer attempting to use a listing to bait contractors into completing work on listed or recently listed homes (we received similar reports in 2020 and in February 2018). The scam typically works this way; the scammer asks the contractor for a bid for work on a home that is listed or was recently listed, then asks the contractor/company to make a payment with the promise they will pay them back.
In this particular instance, the scammer asked a fence contractor to provide a bid for work to be completed on a vacant listing. Fortunately, the scam was unsuccessful because the contractor called the listing agent directly to confirm, who informed him that no work was to be done and this was a scam.
If you are a contractor or service provider who has been asked to provide a bid, confirm with the owner of the property or listing agent that the request is legitimate.
Have a safety alert to share? Please email taylor@boirealtors.com.