If recent events have taught us anything, it’s this: we have more work to do. Racism is real, tragically so. Discrimination, in all its forms, still casts a long shadow in this country, and too many are being denied the opportunities that all Americans deserve. Our commitment to the diverse communities we serve starts with a Code of Ethics. Our code sets a higher standard for fairness in housing than any federal law, it’s backed by a culture of member accountability, and it extends to our work at the local, state, and federal level, where we continue to advocate for meaningful change. As REALTORS® we believe that fairness is worth fighting for, and we won’t stop until the fight is won. Because that’s who we are.
If you experience or witness discrimination in real estate, we urge you to report it. Visit hud.gov/fairhousing or contact the Intermountain Fair Housing Council to file a complaint with the Department of Housing and Urban Development.
Boise Regional REALTORS® (BRR) is providing fair housing resources and opportunities to members and consumers that align with our value proposition — Advocate, Educate, and Connect.

Delete Discrimination is a CC&R amendment grant program offered by Boise Regional REALTORS®, Inc.
Boise Regional REALTORS® (BRR) recognizes the interests of the nation and its citizens require the highest and best use of the land and the widest distribution of land ownership. Discriminatory language allowed to remain in homeowner’s association (HOAs) documents not only violates the federal Fair Housing Act of 1968 (the Act), but it is also abhorrent to BRR’s values and principles. This injustice must be dealt with by identifying and removing discriminatory language wherever it exists.
BRR accepts its social responsibility and patriotic duty to delete discrimination in homeowner association documents by offering HOAs a grant of up to $1,000 to offset the cost of amending their documents to remove discriminatory provisions in violation of the Act. Learn More

Bias Override: Overcoming Barriers to Fair Housing Implicit Bias Training
The National Association of REALTORS® has partnered with the Perception Institute to create a 50-minute video called “Bias Override: Overcoming Barriers to Fair Housing,” which aims to help real estate professionals address unconscious prejudices and stereotypes in their daily business interactions.
You also can take the Implicit Association Tests on race, skin tone, gender, sexuality, weight, and other characteristics to learn what your own unconscious attitudes are.
Members, take your fair housing training further by completing NAR’s Fairhaven, immersive online simulation training in which you are put in the shoes of a client experiencing discrimination as they try to buy a home. BRR members who complete this training will be recognized on our website. Learn More

The Fair Housing Five Children’s Book
The REALTORS® Community Foundation (RCF) and Boise Regional REALTORS® will match every $20 donation during the month of April (up to $500 total) to purchase copies of The Fair Housing Five (Greater New Orleans Fair Housing Action Center, 2010) children’s book which addresses the five protected classes, to donate to the Boise Schools Foundation, one of the RCF’s 2021 grantees. As explained on the FairHousingFive.org website, “It is a book designed to initiate conversations between parents, caregivers, teachers and children about housing discrimination, systemic inequality, and the important role that we all have in ending both. Strategically, we also aimed to inform parents, caregivers, and educators about their fair housing rights when they read the book with children. Finally, we hope the book will empower youth to advocate for justice and create positive change in their communities.”

Help us spread awareness about the importance of fair housing in our communities by donating today.