Code of Ethics Pop Quiz: Temporarily Off-Market Listings
Question You receive a call from an out of town buyer who would like to see one of your listings, but is only in town for a couple of days.…
REALTORS® are licensed real estate agents who are held to a higher standard and expected to abide by the Code of Ethics. Following license law and the Code of Ethics may be considered adequate, but you want to be more than that — you want to be exceptional and because reputation matters to your business.
Take your career to the next level by putting the “pro” in real estate pro by embracing professionalism in every interaction with the public, property, and your peers. Ready to up your professional game? Boise Regional REALTORS®, Idaho REALTORS®, and the National Association of REALTORS® have the resources to help. NAR’s professional standards policies include a defined process of checks and balances to protect members and evaluate potential Code violations. Learn more about that process here.
A great way to brush up on professional standards, the code of ethics, and license law is by taking a code of ethics, post license, or a designation course at BRR. Find the full list of upcoming classes here.
Idaho REALTORS® focuses on providing a number of professional development services to members, such as; GRI courses, IR Leadership Academy, ombudsmen/mediation services, arbitration services, the legal hotline, and more. Explore their website to learn more about these valuable programs.
The National Association of REALTORS® has a wealth of resources on improving professionalism, including the Code of Ethics, C2EX, Pathways to Professionalism, A Pathway to Professional Conduct Video, Designations and Certifications, and so much more. Invest in yourself, your reputation, and your business, by taking the time by learning about professionalism.
Sometimes what is considered professional or unprofessional is a bit subjective, so the BRR Communications Advisory Group developed the following Pro Tips (adapted from NAR’s Pathways to Professionalism) to help clear up any confusion.
BRR’s Professionalism Award is an impartial, peer-to-peer based program that recognizes REALTOR® members for their professional and ethical behavior during transactions. BRR REALTOR® members are able to nominate BRR REALTOR® members for outstanding professionalism using the simple form below, at anytime throughout the year.
Recipients of BRR’s Professionalism Award may also be considered for the Code of Ethics Leadership Award! This award is presented annually to recognize one REALTOR® member who exemplifies what it means to abide by the Code of Ethics, in their dealings with clients and customers, the public, and other REALTORS® and real estate professionals.
The Professionalism Award will be awarded on a quarterly basis in March, June, September, and December.
Recipients will receive recognition on BRR’s website,, and on the association’s social channels. They will also be emailed a digital marketing package that they can use to promote their business. This digital marketing package will include:
Active BRR members are welcome to submit nominations of fellow BRR REALTORS® with whom they have completed a transaction within the last six months.
BRR’s Professionalism Award is an impartial, peer-to-peer based program that recognizes REALTOR® members for their professional and ethical behavior during transactions. BRR members are able to nominate BRR REALTOR® members for outstanding professionalism anytime throughout the year.
Award Recipients are nominated and approved by their peers through our awards process. Recipients are recognized on our website and on our social media accounts each quarter once they have been vetted by their peers. To learn more about this program or to submit a nomination, visit our Professionalism Award tab.
Congratulations to our Professionalism Award Recipients!
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Question You receive a call from an out of town buyer who would like to see one of your listings, but is only in town for a couple of days.…
Question You receive notice that a professional standards complaint has been filed against you and your attendance is requested for a hearing. You believe that the complaint is completely unreasonable…
Question You just received your listing photos and they look fantastic! The photographer did a great job with the lighting, angles, and touch-ups and your seller is extremely happy. These…
Question Your buyer calls to ask you for access to a home they recently bought, to measure the windows for blinds. Although you haven’t officially closed on the property, the…
Question A friend asks for your help selling his family farm, stating he would like to work with someone he knows. You have never sold a property like this before,…
Question You attend an event and meet a couple that would like to sell their home. They are very friendly and you start talking about helping them sell their property.…
NAR’s long-standing Code of Ethics provides consistent standards, guidelines, and language, which ensures REALTORS® conduct business with integrity. The Code is more important than ever when serving your clients and differentiating yourself as a professional. Consider the Code, Standards of Practice, and Case Interpretations to help guide your business decisions.