BRR has a variety of resources created specifically for Designated REALTORS® and managing brokers, whether or not they have agents affiliated with their brokerage. If you are not currently a broker member of BRR, visit our Become a Member page or contact our Membership Team to get your brokerage set up (208-376-0363)!
The Broker Bulletin is a weekly newsletter for Designated REALTORS® and managing brokers that covers legal, marketing, and business best practices, as well as industry updates and event information. If you are a Designated REALTOR® or managing broker and are not receiving this newsletter but would like to, please contact

The purpose of the First Friday Legal Forum is to facilitate connections and conversations between Designated REALTORS® and Managing Brokers on issues such as risk management, agency/representation, agent-to-agent communication, dispute resolution, professionalism, laws and policies, as well as local market practices, brokerage management, oversight, and agent support… or whatever other topics are suggested by our broker members through the form below.
Sessions will typically have a pre-planned topic, but not necessarily prepared content or presentations. These will be open discussions providing Designated REALTORS® and Managing Brokers the opportunity to share ideas, ask questions related to that month’s topic, and learn from each other while building relationships within our brokerage community. To give brokers a place to ask questions privately, we do not record these sessions.
Please note: This event is only open to designated and managing brokers, not agents or representatives on behalf of the broker – to allow open discussion amongst peers. Additionally, questions should be centered around the discussion topic. If you would like to submit a topic for a future First Friday Legal Forum, please use the form below.
First Friday Legal Forum Recaps
The Boise Regional REALTORS® Career Center connects industry partners with professionals looking for a career in real estate and related fields.
BRR’s Career Center is operated by YourMembership, the most trusted career center platform for associations, powering nearly 3,000 industry-specific job boards nationwide. This resource is designed to be beneficial to the user while upholding IREC’s rules, RESPA rules, and industry standards like NAR’s Code of Ethics. By utilizing the Career Center, either as a job seeker, an employer, or as an advertiser, the user is agreeing to abide by the following policy. BRR reserves the right to update policies at any time. The current Career Center Policy can be found here.
We allow companies, brokerages, teams, and agents to post paid positions, as well as independent contractor opportunities, provided all posts adhere to our Career Center Policy.
Have a position to fill? BRR members get one free, 30-day job posting when you use the code FREEPOST at checkout. The promo is valid through Saturday, October 31st.
See a posting that violates this policy? Let us know and we will have it removed*
*This site may feature some job posts back-filled from outside search engines through YourMembership. Neither YourMembership or BRR is responsible for the content of such posts, and they are not subject to our Career Center Policy. However, BRR will attempt to identify and remove any back-filled posts not in compliance with our Career Center Policy. You may report any post not in compliance to
The National Association of REALTORS® Broker Involvement Program provides brokers with a quick and effective tool to rally their agents on critical legislative issues affecting the real estate industry.
Through this program, NAR sends out calls for action (CFA) that Brokers can then share with their agents, asking them to lend their support to these critical issues.
The goal of this program is to increase REALTOR® participation in legislative issues and research has shown that when agents receive CFA’s from their Broker rather than from NAR, the average response rates are significantly higher.
How does it work?
NAR will alert you by email when there is a state or national call for action (usually three to five a year). Then, if you registered for the auto-participation plan, NAR will automatically send the CFA directly to your agents with your name and company logo. You also have the option to review and approve these emails before they are sent on your behalf. Either way, the Broker Involvement Program makes it easy to get your agent’s support on important industry issues.
Why should you get involved?
The Broker Involvement Program provides you and your agents with a voice in state houses and on Capitol Hill. Nothing needs to be downloaded or purchased — Managing/Designated Brokers have unlimited, free access to the Broker Portal.
You can learn more about this program on NAR’s Broker Involvement website.
Boise Regional REALTORS® is proud to offer pre-license broker courses throughout the year.
Available for CE credit, the multiple day courses include:
Broker Management
A required broker pre-license course intended to educate licensees on the basics of Idaho real estate license law, broker responsibilities, office supervision, properly maintaining transaction files, and accounting for entrusted funds and property.
Real Estate Finance
A broker pre-license elective course designed to give licensees an overview of the Finance aspect of real estate.
Real Estate Valuation & Analysis
This broker elective course covers the purpose of appraisals, the appraisal process and the different approaches used to determine the value of various types of property. Emphasis will be placed on employing the appraisal process in brokerage practice.
See our class schedule for our upcoming offerings.
Designated REALTORS®, broker-owners, managing brokers wear many hats in managing their companies—large and small. As a broker, you need to learn strategies for growing and maintaining a successful, ethical, and resilient real estate business from content created for brokers. Learn more at
REALTOR® Magazine’s Broker to Broker Network offers videos and profiles of successful brokers, and tips on how to deal with difficult situations, such as firing an agent or incorporating new technology that will boost agent productivity and more effectively run your business. For peer-to-peer advice on social media, join NAR’s closed Facebook group exclusively for brokerage leaders.