Ready to earn some CE? Check out our full class schedule.

Here you will find the most frequently asked questions regarding licensing and education requirements. You can find more information on attendance, cancellations, refunds, etc., in our Education Policies. If you have questions that aren’t addressed here, please contact BRR’s Director of Professional Development at


Who do I renew my license with?

The Idaho Real Estate Commission (IREC) handles all licensing.

How do I check how many credits I have?

CE providers report your credits directly to IREC. The best way to check your credits is to look up your education records with IREC. BRR has no way to keep track of CE you earn with other providers.

What classes am I required to take?

First-time renewal/First licensure cycle

  • Two different years of the IREC CORE course* (for example, 2021 & 2022, or 2022 & 2023). BRR members can take CORE courses at a discount!
  • 8-hour mandatory Post License Fundamentals course
  • One 4-hour Post License elective

Active Status/Renewing a license

  • Two different years of the IREC CORE course* (for example, 2021 & 2022, or 2022 & 2023). BRR members can take CORE courses at a discount!
  • 12 hours of CE, your choice

Every two years, NAR requires all REALTORS® to complete Code of Ethics training. The current two-year cycle ends December 31, 2024. Click here for more information on the ethics requirement.

When does my license expire?

A licensure cycle is typically 2 years in length and expires on the last day of your birth month.

Can I take Post License for credit if I’m not in my first renewal?

Yes of course! People who take this class often comment that everyone should take it.


Who reports my credits to IREC?

The provider that you take the course with has 5 business days to report to IREC, so any classes you take at BRR are reported directly to IREC. Other CE providers are not required to send education records to BRR, so BRR only has records of the classes you take at BRR. For your complete education record, you need to login to IREC’s website.

BRR guarantees submission to the Idaho Real Estate Commission for any Code of Ethics or licensing course taken at BRR. All other Code of Ethics elective courses (taken off-site or online) are the responsibility of the member to report to IREC for CE Credits.

What records do I need to keep?

Keep copies of certificates of completion from all classes and all providers in case of an IREC audit. Digital and hard copies are acceptable. This is your responsibility, not the providers.

How can I be sure I earn credit for a class I take?

Each provider (including BRR) is required to follow the IREC attendance policy in order to grant credit. IREC requires 100% participation, that each class starts on time as scheduled, and that you are present the entire duration. You must sign in for each class. Use of devices is not allowed unless IREC approved for that class.

Please don’t show up late or leave early. Per the Education Policies, if you miss any portion of class for any reason, you will not receive credit.

The Idaho Real Estate Commission (IREC) requires every licensee to complete two (2) Commission CORE courses from consecutive years, and 12 elective credits during their licensure cycle to maintain an active license. A cycle is typically two years in length and ends on the last day of the licensee’s birthday month.

Most classes advertised count towards the elective credits and will indicate that in the description. If it is a CORE Course, it will clearly indicate that as well. For example, “4 CE” indicates four continuing education elective credits and “4 CORE” indicates CORE credits. The course number can also assist in determining the type of credits. If the course number is E0###, it will be an elective. If the course number begins C#### and has a year following, it is a CORE Course (Ex: C2022).

For your first active renewal as a real estate licensee, the requirements are different. You must complete a mandatory Post License Fundamentals Course (8 hours) and one of the following three electives: Post License Introduction to Commercial Real Estate (4 hours); Post License Pricing, Marketing, and Advertising (4 hours); or, Post License Negotiations and Professionalism (4 hours).

To find out how many credits you have or when your license expires, check your education history online on IREC’s website.

PLEASE NOTE: Members are directly responsible for reporting their Code of Ethics completion to their REALTOR® association. Code of Ethics completion certificates for courses taken outside of Boise Regional REALTORS® should be sent directly to

The Code of Ethics was adopted in 1913 by the National Association of REALTORS® (NAR) and was one of the first codifications of ethical duties adopted by any business group. The Code ensures that consumers are served by requiring REALTORS® to cooperate with each other in furthering clients’ best interests. (Read More)

To ensure all REALTORS® familiarize themselves with, stay current on any changes to, and abide by the Code, NAR requires all members to complete ethics training every three years through an approved provider and submit proof of completion to their local REALTOR® association.

The current Code of Ethics Training Cycle
is January 1, 2025—December 31, 2027.

Pssst... It's possible you've fullfilled your Ethics requirement through one of these courses.

  • E0889 – Real Estate Ethics & Practice
  • E1016 – Know the REALTOR® Code of Ethics
  • E1405 – Ethics at Work
  • E1464 – Ethics in the Age of Disruption
  • E1500 – Using the Code to Solve Ethical Dilemmas
  • E1586 – NAR Code of Ethics
  • E1605 – Ethics in Real Estate
  • E1638R – Epic Ethics
  • E1687 – Unlocking the Secrets of Real Estate Ethics

Here are four easy ways to complete this required training, as proof of completion will automatically be provided to BRR for you:

Before completing an ethics training different from the four options listed above...

Before completing an ethics training different from the four options listed above, contact BRR to confirm whether it will fulfill the training requirement. In November 2019, the NAR Board of Directors revised its bylaws, stating only courses conducted by, or developed in partnership with, a local or state REALTOR® association (like BRR or Idaho REALTORS®), online providers in partnership with local or state REALTOR® associations (like The CE Shop), or, from NAR directly ( or C2EX) will satisfy this ethics training requirement.

Take a course outside of BRR’s classroom, the CE Shop, or NAR’s website? Submit your certificate, below.

If you do complete ethics training through another REALTOR® association, you must forward a copy of the certificate of completion or a screenshot of your IREC education record to at BRR by December 31, 2024. The certificate or screenshot must clearly show your name, the course title, and date of completion. BRR guarantees submission to the Idaho Real Estate Commission for any Code of Ethics course taken at BRR as a renewal elective course. All other Code of Ethics courses (taken off-site or online) are the responsibility of the member to report to IREC for CE Credits.


APPRAISERS: Appraisers must also fulfill the NAR ethics requirement. If you have taken any of the qualifying courses in-person or online but your records show that you have not completed the current cycle (January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2024), please email your certificate of completion to


Thank you for your help completing this important training on time through approved sources. If you have questions or need assistance, please contact BRR’s Professional Development department at 208-376-0363 or


PLEASE NOTE: If training is not completed between January 1,2022—December 31, 2024, or, if BRR does not have record of such completion by December 31, 2024, your membership will be suspended, resulting in any or all of the following: inability to use the terms “REALTOR®” or “REALTORS®”, inability to use the REALTOR® “R” logo or any logos affiliated with an NAR designation, loss of reduction in MLS fees, inability to access any forms provided by the state or local association or through the MLS, access to member pricing for any Association programs, and limited access or no access to all programs and services reserved for REALTOR® Members of the local, state, and national associations. Further, a reactivation fee may be assessed and must be paid before Membership and services can be restored.


BRR has partnered with an online provider, The CE Shop, to bring our members quality online education. Complete your required CE and Ethics courses when and where it fits your schedule.

  • Online Self-Paced Modules
  • Continuing Education- Brokers and Sales License
  • Pre-Licensing
  • Post-Licensing
  • Exam Prep
  • Packages

Expand your skills, mind, and client base through a variety of Certifications, Designations, and specialty courses provided by NAR’s Center for REALTOR® Development.

  • Live, interactive webinars
  • Certifications & Designations
  • Specialty courses like “Storytelling for REALTORS®”
  • Finance & investing courses
  • Marketing & business courses
  • And more!

Included below are links to online training resources and tools that can help REALTORS® work towards their business goals, optimize their workflow and better meet the needs of their clients.

The CE Shop

Boise Regional REALTORS® has partnered with The CE Shop to offer preferred Idaho Real Estate Continuing Education courses and packages.

Learn more and register!

Right Tools, Right Now Program

NAR has relaunched its “Right Tools, Right Now” initiative to make new and existing NAR products and services available to members for free or at significant discounts. The program includes tools to help you manage your finances and technology, education courses to expand your skills, and more. Take advantage of these discounts prior to Monday, August 31, 2020, when the program expires. Visit for more information.


The following courses, included in the “Right Tools, Right Now” program, are now available online and offer members CE credit:


Course ID Name Hours Course Type Delivery Discount
D1000A Accredited Buyer’s Representative Designation Course (ABR) 12 Designation Online 30%
D1161A At Home with Diversity (PMN) 6 Designation Online 50%
D1162A e-Pro Certification (EPRO) (Day 1 and Day 2 Online) 12 Designation Online FREE
D1098A Military Relocation Professional Certification (ABR) 6 Designation Online 30%
D1004A New-Home Construction and Buyer Representation: Professionals, Product, Process (ABR) 6 Designation Online 30%
D1121A Pricing Strategies: Mastering the CMA (ABR) 6 Designation Online FREE
D1166A Real Estate Investing: Build Wealth Representing Investors and Becoming One Yourself (ABR) 6 Designation Online FREE
D1139A Representing Buyers and Sellers: Resource-Efficient Homes (GREEN) 6 Designation Online 30%
D1172A Resort & Second Home Specialist Certification Course 6 Designation Online 30%
D1120A Seller Representative Specialist (SRS) 12 Designation Online 30%
D1073A Seniors Real Estate Specialist (SRES) 12 Designation Online
D1075A Short Sales and Foreclosures: What Real Estate Professionals Need to Know (SFR) 6 Designation Online 30%
D1138A The Resource-Efficient Home: Remodels, Retrofits, Renovations, and New-Home Construction (GREEN) 6 Designation Online 30%


Register for these and other courses at


NAR’s Commitment to Excellence program is an online training course that empowers REALTORS® to demonstrate their professionalism and commitment to conducting business at the highest standards. This course is free for NAR members and fulfills your ethics requirement for the 2022-2024 Code of Ethics cycle*.



*BRR will be notified upon completion of the C2EX program. However, as a precautionary measure, please forward a copy or screenshot of the certificate of completion to at BRR by December 31, 2024. The certificate or screenshot must clearly show your name, the course title, and date of completion.

REALTORS® Property Resource

Realtors Property Resource® (RPR®) is an exclusive, online real estate database that provides REALTORS® with the data they need to meet the demands of clients.

RPR provides a variety of online training options, including:

  • Live Webinars: Sign up to participate in an RPR live education class
  • Watch Now Webinars: Recorded webinars that you can watch and control at your own pace
  • Video Tutorials: This introductory learning series includes 13 courses, each lasting less than 10 minutes. Each course has a printer-friendly handout, too
  • Quick Start Guides: Brief, one to two page “cheat sheets” that show you how, step-by-step, to complete specific tasks within RPR
  • eBooks: Downloadable, PDFs that show you, with plenty of detail, how to use RPR to conduct real estate business, such as direct mail and geographic farming
  • RPR Blog: Get news, tips, tricks, how-to’s, product announcements and more via our blog entries and articles

Homesnap Pro

Homesnap is the highest-rated and most installed mobile real estate app, powered by a specialized homes database that combines MLS data, property tax records, census data, geographic boundaries and more to help agents stay connected with clients and colleagues while on the go. This MLS membership benefit includes complete confidential listing information, rapid CMAs, in-app messaging, an agent safety timer and much more.

For Homesnap Training Resources, visit


NAR offers REALTOR® members a wide-range of programs and services that will help you increase your skills, proficiency, and knowledge. Earning one (or more!) of these designations or certifications demonstrates your commitment to excellence and high achievement. To learn more about the various designations and how to earn them, explore the links below.

Ready to earn a designation or certification? Check our upcoming classes or visit NAR’s Center for REALTOR® Development website for online options.

You know that you can take great CE classes at Boise Regional REALTORS®, but did you know that BRR can bring classes to your office or wherever you host training for your agents?

Here is our list of available courses:

Elective CoursesCE
Ethics- NAR’s Required Code (E1361)3 CE

Elective NAR Courses

The Right Start Series18 CE
Part 1 - Building Your Business & Demonstrating Your Value (D1178)
Part 2- Converting Buyers & Building Your Buyers-Side Business (D1179)
Part 3- Neutralizing Seller Concerns & Building Your Listing- Side Business (D1180)

Commission Courses

2020 Commission CORE (C2020)4 CORE
2021 Commission CORE (C2021)3 CORE

Post License Courses

Post License Fundamentals (POST001)8 CE
Post License Elective: Pricing, Marketing & Advertising (POST002)4 CE
Post License Elective: Professionalism,
Negotiations & Closings (POST003)
4 CE

Contact BRR’s Director of Professional Development at to learn more about costs, contracts, policies and to schedule a class.