If you haven’t seen an email from us recently, your email may be blocked or your preferences may need updating.
One of your membership benefits is a subscription to member-only BRR Newsletters. If you have not received one of our BRR Updates, EdLinks, or other newsletters recently, your email could be blocked or may need updating. Here are a few suggestions we have to get you back “in the know”:
BRR’s domain may be blocked.
Occasionally, an email provider will mark BRR as an unsafe sender which will subsequently block us from sending you emails. Whitelisting “@boirealtors.com” will prevent us from ending up in your spam or from being permanently prevented emailing you.
You may be unsubscribed.
BRR respects your inbox and allows for members to opt-out of newsletters they no longer want to receive. If you feel you have mistakenly unsubscribed from a newsletter you’d like to jump back into, we invite you to subscribe again.
Your email may be outdated.
It often feels like email addresses change as frequently as the seasons. Confirm we have your correct email by logging in or notifying our Membership Specialists of any recent email changes.