Facebook is about to get more personal by making changes to what you see in your news feed (again). Their goal is for users to see more from their friends and families, and less from businesses, news, etc. This should be great for interactions in personal relationships, but you’ll likely miss most, if not all, of BRR’s posts, which include local market stats, association events and news, industry trends, local news stories, etc. Plus, we consider you our friend, even if Facebook doesn’t see it that way.
If you’d like to continue to see BRR’s posts, visit our Facebook page, and make sure you’ve “liked” us. Then, next to the “Like” button, click the “Following” button, and select “See First” to be sure you don’t miss a post.
If you’d like to learn more about how these changes may affect your business page, check out this article from Inman, What the Facebook news feed change means for real estate pros.
Thank you for following us, and if you have any feedback on what we share on social media please contact BRR Director of Communications Cassie Zimmerman at cassie@boirealtors.com.