Call for Volunteer Leadership

Through volunteer service, you will gain valuable industry insights, improved leadership skills, and build professional relationships with other leaders — locally, nationally, and across the state — that, in turn, can help you in your own business and other volunteer commitments. 

While Volunteer Leadership Applications are open year-round, to be considered for the following year, all committee applications must be received no later than August 31st.

If you’re interested in serving on a specific committee but were unable to apply during our call for volunteers, please contact BRR’s Director of Special Projects, Sam Jaquez. 

Check out our Committee Booklet below or peruse our tabs to the right.

Learn more about volunteer opportunities with the REALTORS® Community Foundation and REALTOR® Outreach Committee on the Foundation’s page.

To accomplish BRR’s Mission, we rely on the experience and expertise of volunteer members, who serve on our various committees, advisory groups, and subsidiary boards. In doing so, members help us plan programs, events, and outreach activities, based on what’s happening in the market today. Browse the descriptions and current rosters for each committee, then check out the Committee Process and Timeline tab and apply to join a BRR committee.

Each year, members are appointed or elected to serve as volunteer leaders on committees, task forces, and more, through the following process: 


BRR Committee Chairs, Vice Chairs, and Members

August Online applications due by August 31st to be considered for next year’s service.

OctoberApplications reviewed by staff for eligibility and list of candidates will be presented to President-Elect and/or Vice President for review. 

Late Fall The President-Elect and Vice President will appoint all committee members based on applications, recommendations or additional nominations by them if needed or desiredto ensure the right mix of representation and input for each group. 

DecemberCommittee appointments announced via email with terms beginning on January 1st. 

January — Board and committee rosters updated on

Notes regarding BRR committee appointments:

  • There are no automatic re-appointments to committees, nor does BRR have an automatic succession plan from committee Vice Chair to Chair, or from committee Chair to Past Chair or member (as there is no official past chair position). All members interested in continuing their service on a committee MUST apply to be considered.
  • For those applications received throughout the year (at new member orientation, events, online via general interest form, etc.) they may be considered for open positions, task forces, or volunteer projects, by the President, President-Elect, and Committee Chair and Vice Chair, when appropriate and available.
  • To engage as many members as possible — and to avoid burnout by member volunteers serving in too many areas — BRR will follow NAR’s practice of “One Member, One Appointment,” knowing that there may be some instances where members may serve on more than one committee due to their position or experience.
  • Members who have two (2) consecutive absences from their committee meetings may be removed from the roster for the remainder of the year. This is done to ensure quorums are met, especially for smaller committees, and to provide opportunities for new members who are interested and able to serve.

If you’re interested in serving on an association board, learn more at on our Leadership page. If you are interested in serving on the Intermountain MLS Board of Directors, contact IMLS CEO Glenn Christoph at 208-376-4657 or

We invite all active BRR members to apply for the Call for Volunteers (applications open year-round, but due by August 31st, annually). Pursuant with NAR’s committee practices, BRR reserves committee communications and direct meeting invites to those who are appointed during our Committee Selection Process. This allows accurate tracking of committee involvement for our officer eligibility requirements.

For members who miss the deadline or are interested in a meeting drop-in as a guest, please review the following dates for committee meetings (Please note: Not all meetings are open to the public).

Awards Committee

This is a CLOSED and confidential committee, meeting twice per year in January and February.

Budget & Finance Committee

CLOSED to visitors.

Bylaws and Governance Committee

Meetings TBD

Cultural Diversity Committee

Meetings are the 1st Wednesday of the month from 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM


Elmore County Advisory Group

Meetings TBD

Executive Committee

CLOSED to visitors.

Nominating and Elections Committee

CLOSED to visitors.

Public Policy Committee

Meets on the 2nd Thursday from 12:00 PM to 1:30 PM.


REALTOR® Outreach Committee

Meetings are scheduled for the 2nd Wednesday of the month from 10:30 a.m. – 11:15 a.m.


REALTOR® Political Action Committee

Meetings are scheduled for the 3rd Wednesday of the month from 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.


YOUR Professional Network

Meetings are scheduled for the 1st Wednesday of the month from 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.


The Awards Committee evaluates and selects from submitted nominations, the recipients for REALTOR® of the Year and other awards. These awards are given out at the REALTOR® Awards Gala in March. The committee is chaired by the immediate past ROTY “once removed,” and the current ROTY will serve as Vice Chair. In addition to the chair, vice chair, the President and four (4) active REALTOR® members shall serve, comprised of past presidents, past ROTYs, and past individual award recipients, who are not themselves candidates for an award.

Example committee assignments include reviewing awards program information, setting production award levels (based on criteria), and selecting  individual award recipients. Historically, the Awards Committee has met on an as-needed basis leading up to BRR’s award season.


Jessica Durham (2023 REALTOR® of the Year), Grove Realty

Vice Chair

Andrea Anderson (2024 REALTOR® of the Year), The Agency


Elizabeth Hume, Stack Stock Realty

Committee Members

Becky Enrico-Crum, Andy Enrico & Company

Melinda Vines, Keller Williams Realty

Morgan Hoffman, JPAR Live Local

Russ Garland, Smith & Coelho Real Estate

Terri Harvey, Stewart Title

Via Surmelis, A.V. Real Estate

Staff Liaison: Lisa Martin

Please note that committee rosters may change at any time without notice and may not be immediately updated here. Meetings of this committee are only open to current committee members, the association’s President, or guests who are invited or approved by the committee chair prior to any meeting. Please contact the staff liaison with questions.

Responsible for reviewing and making any recommendations regarding the association’s financial policies, investments, membership dues and fees, and overseeing the annual audit and budget processes for approval by the Board of Directors. The Chair of the Finance Committee will be the association’s Treasurer.

Example committee assignments include reviewing the investment policy and portfolio performance, ensuring reserve goals are met and maintained, reviewing the association’s financial policies and procedures annually, and reviewing membership dues and fees. Historically, the Finance Committee has met on a quarterly basis.

Chair and Treasurer

Andrea Anderson, The Agency

Vice Chair

Bill Haskins, American Pacific Mortgage

Board Liaison

Jessica Durham, Grove Realty


Committee Members

Catharine Quinn, Keller Williams Realty Boise

Craig Groves, John L. Scott Boise

Debbi Myers, Powered-By, LLC (Immediate Past President)

Elizabeth Hume, Stack Rock Realty (President)

Jaylene Groeniger, Amherst Madison

Lori Otter, Amherst Madison (Vice President)

Mike Moir, The Agency

Susan Weaver, Silvercreek Realty Group (President-Elect)

Staff Liaison: Lisa Martin

Please note that committee rosters may change at any time without notice and may not be immediately updated here. Meetings of this committee are only open to current committee members, the association’s President, or guests who are invited or approved by the committee chair prior to any meetings. Please contact the staff liaison with questions.

This Bylaws Committee is responsible for conducting an annual review of the Association Bylaws. Example committee assignments include updating the association’s policies annually, reviewing the bylaws, and updating the association’s governance structure and volunteer opportunities every three years in support of the strategic plan. Historically, the Bylaws Committee has met on an as-needed basis prior to presenting proposed bylaws changes to the members for approval at the Annual Membership Meeting.


Kelly McCune, Atova, Inc

Vice Chair

Marivelle Sandoval, Genesis Real Estate

BRR Vice President/Board Liaison

Lori Otter, Amherst Madison

Committee Members

Andy Enrico, Andy Enrico & Co

Carey Farmer, Group One Sotheby’s International

Gina Ferrari, Boise Premier Real Estate

Heather Amador, Group One Sotheby’s International

Isaac Chavez, EXP realty

Lisa Gamble, Silvercreek Realty Group

Staff Liaisons: Lisa Martin and Sam Jaquez

Please note that committee rosters may change at any time without notice and may not be immediately updated here. Regular meetings of this committee are open to any BRR member in good standing who is interested in attending. Please contact the staff liaison with questions.

Provides guidance and educational platform for members to enhance their ability to serve diverse populations and communities and improve fair housing for all.

Example committee assignments include offering opportunities for educational programs regarding Cultural Diversity and Fair Housing and developing strategic initiatives which continually enhance and promote awareness and improvement in cultural diversity awareness.

Chair and Treasurer

Denisse Macias, Epique Realty

Vice Chair

Laurie Berrera, Homes of Idaho

Board Liaison

Isaac Chavez, EXP Realty


Committee Members

Abigail Gibson, Coldwell Banker Tomlinson

Angie Heasley, Group One Sotheby’s International

Cristina Drake, Amherst Madison

Danielle Cheatle, A.V. West Real Estate

Dawn Renn, Coldwell Banker Tomlinson

Farzin Safavi, Atova, Inc

Florence Wheeler, Homes of Idaho

Patti Syme, Syme Real Estate (w/CBOR)

Stephanie Johnson, Empire Title and Escrow

Tom Wheeler, KW Boise

Via Surmelis, A.V. West Real Estate

Staff Liaison: Lisa Martin

Please note that committee rosters may change at any time without notice and may not be immediately updated here. Regular meetings of this committee are open to any BRR member in good standing who is interested in attending. Please contact the staff liaison with questions.

The purpose of the Elmore County Advisory Group and Gem County Advisory Group is to ensure association services are available to all members regardless of location, while also ensuring needs or issues specific to these counties are addressed. Example committee assignments include assembling county-specific candidate interview task forces in collaboration with the Public Policy Committee, assisting the Director of Government Affairs in monitoring city council, county commission, planning and zoning, etc., agendas and meetings to identify issues of interest and advise the Public Policy Committee, as needed, developing quarterly in person events (networking and community service) and education offerings within each county, focused on issues specific to each area, as appropriate, increasing the awareness of and participation in BRR’s major events by members in Gem and Elmore counties, and increasing the awareness of and participation in REALTORS® Community Foundation grant cycle and matching gifts program, to benefit nonprofits in Gem and Elmore counties. Historically, the county advisory groups have met on an as-needed basis.


Terri Manduca, Silvercreek Realty Group

Vice Chair

Shananda Pendleton, Keller Williams Realty Southwest Idaho 

Board Liaison

Elizabeth Hume, Stack Rock Realty (President)


Committee Members

Bob Hurtt, ERA West Wind Real Estate

Carrie DiGuido, EXP realty

Karena Boesel, Alliance Title & Escrow

Kristine Lee, Finding 43 Real Estate

Molly Thompson, Silvercreek Realty Group

Rena Kerfoot, Mountain Home Pro Real Estate

Shashank Rayasam, Mountain Realty

Staff Liaison: Cameron Kinzer

Please note that committee rosters may change at any time without notice and may not be immediately updated here. Regular meetings of this committee are open to any BRR member in good standing who is interested in attending. Please contact the staff liaison with questions.

The Executive Committee has a dual purpose: (1) To serve as a forum for vetting strategies, opportunities, issues, potential policy changes, or committee recommendations, before putting them in front of the Board; and (2), to be a decision-making entity between board meetings for time-sensitive matters, such that none of its acts shall conflict with any other actions taken by the Board.


Elizabeth Hume, Stack Stock Realty


Susan Weaver, Silvercreek Realty Group

Vice President

Lori Otter, Amherst Madison

Immediate Past President

Debbi Myers, Powered-By, LLC


Andrea Anderson, The Agency Boise

Secretary/BRR CEO

Lisa Martin (Staff Liaison)

Please note that committee rosters may change at any time without notice and may not be immediately updated here. Meetings of this committee are only open to current committee members or guests who are invited or approved by the committee chair prior to any meeting. Please contact the staff liaison with questions.

The Nominating and Elections Committee identifies and develops a pool of candidates to fill the various leadership positions available at BRR and through its allocations and entitlements to the boards of IR and NAR, and also, recommends opportunities for leadership training to prepare people to serve in these roles. Reviews, nominates, verifies eligibility, and recommends the slate of candidates for officers and directors for BRR, IMLS, and the Foundation boards, as well as any state or national director positions. Learn more about the annual process for nominations, appointments, and elections under the “Become a Volunteer Leader” tab.

Chair/Immediate Past President

Debbi Myers, Powered-By, LLC

Vice Chair/President-Elect

Susan Weaver, Silvercreek Realty Group

Committee Members

Carey Farmer, Group One Sotheby’s International

Craig Groves, John L Scott Boise

Doris Irish, 1st Place Realty

Gary Salisbury, Equity Northwest Real Estate

Kristine Lee, Finding 43 Real Estate LLC

Staff Liaisons: Lisa Martin and Sam Jaquez

Committee members as of January 1, 2023. Please note that committee rosters may change at any time without notice and may not be immediately updated here. Meetings of this committee are only open to current committee members, the association’s President, or guests who are invited or approved by the committee chair prior to any meeting. Please contact the staff liaison with questions.

The Public Policy Committee monitors local, state, and federal government activities as they influence and affect the rights of private property owners and the interests of the real estate industry. This group also screens candidates and initiatives and educates members on candidates’ political philosophies related to housing- and real estate-related issues, making recommendations to the Board of Directors on potential endorsements. The Public Policy Committee also hosts advocacy focused events to engage members on current discussions at the national state and local level including but not limited to a quarterly 59-minute meeting.

If you are interested in applying for the public policy committee, please note that in addition to monthly meetings, it requires a significant time commitment prior to the election cycle for candidate interviews — usually several full business days. Learn more about our advocacy activities.


Justin Livingston, Fathom Realty

Vice Chair

Katiuscia Maria, Group One Sotheby’s International Realty

Board Liaison

Susan Weaver, Silvercreek Realty Group


Committee Members

Brianna Wardle, Boise Premier Real Estate

Craig Groves, John L. Scott Boise

Gail Hartnett, Keller Williams Boise

Isaac Chavez, EXP realty

Jessica Durham, Grove Realty

Jessica Perreault, NextHome Treasure Valley

Josh Cormier, Weichert, REALTORS® – Cormier & Associates

Kelsey Wartman, Silvercreek Realty Group

Kit Fitzgerald, Equity Northwest Real Estate

Kristine Lee, Finding 43 Real Estate

Laurie Barrera, Homes of Idaho

Marta Paulson, A.V. West Real Estate & Idaho RRC

Phil Mount, Amherst Madison Real Estate Advisors

Tom Wheeler, Keller Williams Boise

Staff Liaison: Cameron Kinzer

Please note that committee rosters may change at any time without notice and may not be immediately updated here. Except for candidate interviews or meetings regarding potential endorsements, regular meetings of this committee are open to any BRR member in good standing who is interested in attending. Please contact the staff liaisons with questions.

The REALTORS® Political Action Committee (RPAC) raises funds to support candidates and issues that support the association’s legislative policies, as directed by BRR’s Public Policy Committee. This committee, shares information with members regarding the value of investing in and the benefits received from the individual’s participation in RPAC. Learn more about RPAC.

Historically, RPAC has met on a monthly and as-needed basis.


Kim Sitton, Fathom Realty

Vice Chair

Liam Spencer, Spencer Group at Silvercreek

Board Liaison

Craig Groves, John L. Scott


Committee Members

Camille Bates, Fathom Realty

Celeste Blackburn, Silvercreek Realty Group

Danielle Warren, Fathom Realty

Erin Volk, Compass Mountain West, LLC

Jaylene Groeniger, Amherst Madison

Josh Cormier, Weichert, REALTORS® – Cormier & Associates

Marta Paulson, A.V. West Real Estate & Idaho RRC

Michele deReus-McCord, Fathom Realty

Mike Moir, The Agency

Phil Mount, Amherst Madison Real Estate Advisors

Sarah Libengood, Keller Williams

Sharron Riddersen, Homes of Idaho

Susan Weaver, Silvercreek Realty Group

Staff Liaison: Cameron Kinzer

Please note that committee rosters may change at any time without notice and may not be immediately updated here. Regular meetings of this committee are open to any BRR member in good standing who is interested in attending. Please contact the staff liaisons with questions.

The REALTOR® Outreach Committee (ROC) works to create opportunities for BRR Members to give back to the community through housing related and community service projects and volunteer efforts. This committee also assists the Boise Regional REALTORS® Community Foundation with their annual fundraising Give Back Golf Tournament. This committee, through its staff liaison, also fulfills NAR’s Core Standards, Section III, Consumer Outreach, by engaging in community activities which enhance the image of the REALTOR®.


Shelley Wallace, Silvercreek Realty Group

Vice Chair

Celeste Blackburn, Silvercreek Realty Group

Board Liaison

Becka Marston, TripleCord Real Estate, LLC


Committee Members

Abigail Gibson, Coldwell Banker Tomlinson

Angie Heasley, Group One Sotheby’s International

Bob Hurtt, ERA West Wind Real Estate

Camille Bates, Fathom Realty

Erin Volk, Compass Mountain West, LLC

Florence Wheeler, Homes of Idaho

Jenna Nash, Silvercreek Realty Group

Julie Schott, Empire Title (Foundation President)

Karen Frings, Silvercreek Realty Group

Kristine Lee, Finding 43 Real Estate LLC

Leda Waddle, Equity Northwest Real Estate

Liam Spencer, Spencer Group @ Silvercreek

Mackenzie Miller, Silvercreek Realty Group

Madison Crum, Andy Enrico & Co. Real Estate

Megan York, Homes of Idaho

Michele Wilson, Guardian Mortgage

Sam Hasslbauer, Silvercreek Realty Group

Shananda Pendleton, Keller Williams Realty Boise

Sharron Riddersen, Homes of Idaho

Terri Harvey, Stewart Title

Staff Liaison: Meanna Haq

Please note that committee rosters may change at any time without notice and may not be immediately updated here. Regular meetings of this committee are open to any BRR member in good standing who is interested in attending. Please contact the staff liaisons with questions.

YOUR Professional Network (YPN) hosts networking events for members (regardless of age and industry experience) and helps promote the activities and leadership opportunities offered by the association. As a committee, members provide recommendations, advice, and ideas to be implemented by staff, in addition to coordinating YPN-sponsored events. Historically, YPN has met on a monthly and as-needed basis. Learn more about YPN events in our Facebook group.


Jenni Brazier, TitleOne

Vice Chair

Kyler Wartman, Silvercreek Realty

Board Liaison

Alicia Reinhard, Homes of Idaho – Nampa


Committee Members

Ben Fulcher, NAI Select

Benjamin Munoz, Silvercreek Realty Group

Carlette Napoles, The Real Estate Dream Team @ eXp Realty

Celeste Blackburn, Silvercreek Realty Group

Chris Meyers, Blind Appeal

Jennifer Carr, Timber and Love Realty

Levi Ellis Guild, Mortgage Company – Eagle

Mackenzie Miller, Silvercreek Realty Group

Madison Crum, Andy Enrico & Co. Real Estate

Megan York, Homes of Idaho

Melissa England, Silvercreek Realty Group

Molly Thompson, Silvercreek Realty Group

Sara Huston, Silvercreek Realty Group

Sergio Szyrko, Fairway Independent Mortgage

Shashank Rayasam, Mountain Realty

Stephanie Johnson, Empire Title and Escrow

Summer Sweaney, Innovate Home Warranty

Staff Liaison: Taylor Gray

Please note that committee rosters may change at any time without notice and may not be immediately updated here. Regular meetings of this committee are open to any BRR member in good standing who is interested in attending. Please contact the staff liaison with questions.

BRR members are also appointed to committees with Intermountain MLS, Idaho REALTORS®, and the National Association of REALTORS®. Find committee descriptions, and full rosters at the links below:

Intermountain MLS Committees

Idaho REALTORS® Committees

National Association of REALTORS® Committees