Registration is open for the BRR Member Expo and Annual Membership Meeting on Thursday, September 8, 2022, from 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. at the Galaxy Event Center!
We look forward to hosting an exclusively in-person event this year. During the Expo, international speaker, Valerie Garcia, will be providing valuable insight for efficiently navigating change and embracing shifts in the real estate profession. Attendees will also receive lunch during the networking portion of the event.
Registration for this event is now closed.

Keynote Speaker
Valerie Garcia will provide an upbeat, passionate review of what motivates clients and what that means for your business. With over 20 years of experience, she’ll share a special perspective with key tactics you can implement instantly.
Live Results
The Director Election results and bylaws voting results will be announced LIVE during the Member Expo.
Also, stick around to see which lucky attendee will win vendor drawings and our drawing for free local dues for 2023!
Attendees will have the opportunity to network with other agents as well as affiliates in the real estate industry.
Visit a variety of vendor booths and explore the unique offerings these companies can provide to your business.
Sponsors will be added to our Vendor Passport Card. Attendees who visit all of the sponsor booths will be entered to win free local membership renewal for 2023!
For more details and to sign up, click here!
Real Talk: Top producing agents and industry professionals share the ways they empower clients to make a move in today’s shifting market.

Becky Enrico Crum
Moderator and 2022 President of Boise Regional REALTORS®
Andy Enrico & Company

Matt Bauscher
Amherst Madison

Terry Heffner
Guild Mortgage

Jeff Martel
Designated REALTOR® / Broker
Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate 43° North

Ophélie Montgomery
2022 President of Nampa Association of REALTORS®
Fathom Realty
Please note that BRR does not endorse any particular agent, brokerage, and/or business model. Statements made by panelists reflect their opinions and are not necessarily representative of the association.
Storyselling with Valerie Garcia
Why do people really buy anything? Whether you sell houses, ideas, education, belonging, shoes, sheets, or thumbtacks – the answer is always the same. In this session, we take a look at the data and science behind what motivates our customers, and what that means for our business. You’ll never think about selling (or buying) the same way again. Come prepared to participate, take notes, and get involved! You’ll leave with tactics you can implement right away.
Event Agenda
9:00- 9:45 – Registration/Vendor Showcase/Morning Networking
9:45-10:15 – Welcome/Association Business
10:15-11:00 – Real Talk: Top producing agents and industry professionals share the ways they empower clients to make a move in today’s shifting market.
11:00-11:15 – Break/ Vendor Showcase
11:15-12:00 – Keynote – Valerie Garcia
Storyselling: Why do people really buy anything? Whether you sell houses, ideas, education, belonging, shoes, sheets, or thumbtacks – the answer is always the same. In this session, we take a look at the data and science behind what motivates our customers, and what that means for our business. You’ll never think about selling (or buying) the same way again. Come prepared to participate, take notes, and get involved! You’ll leave with tactics you can implement right away.
12:00-12:10 – REALTORS® Community Foundation Update
12:10-12:15 – Closing
12:15- 1:00 – Networking Lunch
Cancellation Policy
If you registered and are no longer able to attend, you must submit a request to for a full refund by August 31st, 2022, at 5:00 p.m. Please contact BRR Director of Events Marind Amano at with any questions.
Venue Policies
Unauthorized Solicitation and Distribution of Materials
Solicitation of business in sessions and meetings is entirely prohibited. Distribution of flyers, pamphlets, notices and brochures in any session of the BRR event, without the prior written consent of BRR, is expressly prohibited.
Speaker/Exhibitor Endorsements
The ideas and opinions offered at during the presentations of this event are solely those of the speakers and do not necessarily reflect the position, policy or opinion of the Boise Regional REALTORS®. The ideas and opinions presented the sessions and the products and services promoted by meeting sponsors associated with the event should not be construed as a recommendation or endorsement of the ideas, opinions, products or services by the Boise Regional REALTORS®. In issues affecting legal, financial, or accounting matters, members should also consult trained professionals to address their individual situations.
BRR reserves the right to remove any attendee who is disruptive.
Presentation materials are copyrighted by the speakers, their companies, or others from whom they have received permission to use. Written permission from the speaker is required before publishing.
Terms & Privacy
Reserve a sponsorship by filling out this form. The deadline to reserve a sponsorship is Thursday, September 1st.
See below for the available sponsorships, and note that all sponsorships have these marketing benefits:
- Logo on event signage and marketing materials
- Logo on event website
- Recognition in event recap
- Opportunity to distribute materials in attendee goody bags or at booth (dependent on sponsorship type)
- Logo included in welcome slide show during pre-event networking
All sponsorships are subject to BRR’s sponsorship policy, available at
Member Expo Cost Benefits
Meeting Sponsor
SOLD$1,000 Member
$1,500 Non-MemberOne (1) booth in the Vendor Expo
:30 sec *ad spot to be played during the break
Opportunity to provide promotional materials at each seat
Opportunity to distribute promotional materials in attendee goody bags
Company name on Vendor Passport card
Additional **marketing benefits
Keynote Speaker Sponsor $750 Member
$1000 Non-MemberIndependent signage during presentation
:30 sec *ad spot to be played during the break
Opportunity to distribute promotional materials in attendee goody bags
Company name on Vendor Passport card
Additional **marketing benefits
Two (2) tickets to event; includes light breakfast and lunch
Registration Sponsor $500 Member
$750 Non-MemberIndependent signage at registration table
Opportunity for one (2) company representatives to help at registration and greet attendees
Opportunity to distribute promotional materials in attendee goody bags
Additional **marketing benefits
Vendor Booth Sponsor
SOLD$500 Member
$750 Non-MemberTwo (2) company representatives to greet and network with attendees during the Vendor Showcase
Company name on Vendor Passport Card
Contact to check availability
Morning Networking Sponsor $300 Member
$500 Non-MemberIndependent signage in the breakfast and coffee area
Opportunity to distribute promotional materials in attendee goody bags
Additional **marketing benefits
Two (2) tickets to event; includes light breakfast and lunch
Networking Luncheon Sponsor
SOLD$300 Member
$500 Non-MemberIndependent signage in the lunch area
Opportunity to distribute promotional materials in attendee goody bags
Additional **marketing benefits
Two (2) tickets to event; includes light breakfast and lunch
Vendor Passport Card Sponsor
SOLD$250 Member
$500 Non-MemberLogo featured on vendor passport card handed out to all attendees
Opportunity to distribute promotional materials in attendee goody bags
Additional **marketing benefits
Two (2) tickets to event; includes light breakfast and lunch
**Marketing Benefits: Logo on event signage and marketing materials
Logo on event website
Newsletter: Recognition in the event re-cap
Logo included in welcome slideshow
Interested in purchasing a sponsorship? Let us know by filling out this form:
Questions? Please contact
Member Expo Meeting Sponsor

Networking Luncheon Sponsor

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