Thank you for joining Boise Regional REALTORS®! Whether you’re newly licensed, transferring from another area, or getting back into real estate, the amount of information being thrown your way can seem overwhelming. This page was created as a resource for new members, to explain the New Member Orientation session, license renewal information, and more. If you’re not currently a REALTOR® Member with BRR, join here!

Step 1: Apply
Become a new member with BRR by following their “Map to Membership” and submitting your application here.
Please note: BRR staff has 3 business days to process your application. You’ll hear from BRR as soon as we’re ready for you to move forward to Step 2.
Step 2: Pay & Take New Member Orientation
Once your application is processed by BRR staff, they will:
- Call you to process your membership dues payment and once confirmed, you can join IMLS.
- Register you for New Member Orientation (NMO) — This course is required to be completed within 60 days of membership activation.
- PRO TIP: Transferring REALTORS® are exempt from New Member Orientation, with submission of a Letter of Good Standing.
Step 3: Hit the Ground, Running!
Start utilizing your local, state, and national REALTOR® benefits including:
- REALTOR® Trademark (per NAR’s guidelines)
- Monthly market statistics
- Advocacy efforts
- Discounted education
- In-person classes at BRR
- Online classes through The CE Shop (use coupon code “BOISE30” for an extra 30% off, courtesy of BRR!)
- And so much more…
As a REALTOR® Member, you’ll have two separate education requirement entities: NAR for Code of Ethics and IREC for your licensing education (CE).
Who do I renew my license with?
The Idaho Real Estate Commission (IREC) handles all licensing.
What classes am I required to take?
First-time renewal/First licensure cycle
- Two different years of the IREC CORE course* (for example, 2015 & 2016, or 2016 & 2017). BRR members can take CORE courses at a discount!
- 8-hour mandatory Post License Fundamentals course
- One 4-hour Post License elective
Active Status/Renewing a license
- Two different years of the IREC CORE course* (for example, 2015 & 2016, or 2016 & 2017). BRR members can take CORE courses at a discount!
- 12 hours of CE, your choice
Every three years, NAR requires all REALTORS® to complete Code of Ethics training. The current three-year cycle ends December 31, 2024. Click here for more information on the Ethics requirement.
How do I check how many CE credits I have?
CE providers report your credits directly to IREC. The best way to check your credits is to look up your education records with IREC. BRR has no way to keep track of CE you earn with other providers.
When does my license expire?
A licensure cycle is typically 2 years in length and expires on the last day of your birth month.
Can I take Post License for credit if I’m not in my first renewal?
Yes of course! People who take this class often comment that everyone should take it.
I have more questions about my real estate license education requirements. Where do I go?
For more information, visit
Part of your education as a real estate agent is learning how to stay safe on the job. Read up on our Safety Alerts for safety tips and local situations.
Boise Regional REALTORS® offers members the opportunity to connect with other industry professionals, consumers, and the association in the following ways:
- Networking and events
- Service projects
- Committees
- Market statistics
- Social media channels (Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram)
- Communications
Your industry knowledge can extend far beyond your CE and Ethics education. Learn in a variety of ways through events, market stats, designations/certifications, and more.