We look forward to seeing our all of our golfers out on Thursday, June 26th at the Eagle Hills Golf Course (605 N Edgewood Ln, Eagle, ID 83616) for our annual Give Back Golf Tournament!
Interested in what sponsorships we have available?
Check out our Affiliate Partner Program booklet (below) and see what still remains by filling out this form.

The shotgun start is at 9:00 a.m., so please arrive by 8:00 a.m. to get your team signed in.
Player Info:
- Golfers can arrive to registration 90 minutes prior to our shotgun start.
- Feel free to stop at the putting green before you check-in.
Event format:
- Start time — There will be a shotgun start at 9:00 a.m. for this tournament. Please arrive with plenty of time to check in (starting at 8:00 a.m.).
- Teams — We will have space for 36 teams. The cost is $500 per 4-person team, which includes a drink ticket and lunch for each team member. Once registered, please submit your team names as soon as possible to meanna@boirealtors.com.
- Guidelines — All local, state, and course-specific guidelines are expected to be followed by all players for the duration of the event. Please also refer to BRR’s Event Policies prior to the event.
- Lunch — Logistics for lunch will be released closer to the event.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Meanna Haq at meanna@boirealtors.com.
Player Registration
Ready to register your team or individual(s)? We’d love to have you! Register here.
We’ll be collecting supply donations for the Boise Rescue Mission at the RCF Give Back Golf Tournament.
Can’t make it to Give Back Golf but want to donate? No problem. Just drop off your supplies at the BRR Office (1911 S Wells Avenue; Meridian, ID)
In addition to the beauty of supporting your community, Give Back Golf Tournament attendees who bring one of the much-needed items listed below to the Tournament will receive a special raffle ticket (one raffle ticket per donor) for ROC’s EXCLUSIVE raffle item!
List of top-priority items
Men’s hygiene products:
- Men’s deodorant
- Men’s razors
“Bag lunch” items:
- Salad dressing (individual package)
- Fruit cups
- Chips/lunch snack
- Canned chicken
- Canned fruit