Voting opens at 8:00 a.m. on Thursday, August 24, 2023, and ends at 11:59 p.m. on Wednesday, September 6, 2023.
The Boise Regional REALTORS® Nominating and Elections Committee presents the following list of eligible candidates for positions with the BRR, IR, and NAR boards of directors. All candidates listed below have met the qualifications for the seat(s) for which they are running and are eligible for election (via online ballot) by the BRR membership. Voting will begin at 8:00 a.m. on Thursday, August 24, 2023, and will conclude at 11:59 p.m. on Wednesday, September 6, 2023.
Per Section 11.3 of the bylaws, no more than three (3) REALTORS® from the same real estate firm may simultaneously serve on the Board of Directors. Should a Director change the real estate firm with which they’re affiliated during their term and become the “fourth” Director from one firm, that Director will be permitted to remain on the Board for the remainder for their term.
Candidates may run for multiple positions on the BRR board, but can only be elected for one position (i.e., Vice President or Director). Candidates can be elected to serve as directors on the BRR, IR, and NAR board at the same time. Members may vote for candidates who are running in multiple races for each respective race, if they choose.
Candidates for each position are listed in alphabetical order. Click each name to view a recent video interview, learn what three real estate issues they are most passionate about (and why), and their statement of interest for the position.
Please note: BRR as an organization cannot endorse any individual candidate but will present and promote all candidates equally to the membership.
Voting will take place through ElectionBuddy, a program designed to ensure secure voting. To vote, you’ll need two pieces of information to validate your vote. You’ll receive this information in an email when voting begins but in case you miss it, here’s what you’ll need:
Access key: Your email address on file with BRR
Password: Your NRDS number (Don’t know your NRDS? Find it here.)
If you have questions about the voting process or need help locating the information above, please email BRR’s Director of Special Projects Sam Jaquez at
Boise Regional REALTORS® Vice President Candidate
Positions available: 1
Boise Regional REALTORS® Treasurer Candidate
Positions available: 1
Boise Regional REALTORS® Director Candidate
Positions available: 1
Idaho REALTORS® Director Candidates
Positions available: 5
- Craig Groves, John L. Scott
- Krista Deacon, Silvercreek Realty Group
- Lori Otter, Amherst Madison
- Tami Sims, Silvercreek Realty Group
National Association of REALTORS® Director Candidates
Positions available: 1

What three (3) real estate issues are you most passionate about at the moment and why?
1. Agents should always be striving to be their best and investing in themselves through education.
2. I believe we should have good relationships with our community leaders and work hand in hand with them to help make our communities better places to live.
3. Professionalism with clients and other Realtor members should be paramount to how we show up every day.
“I have had the opportunity to serve in many capacities in the Real Estate community for the past 10 years in the Boise area and 17 years prior to that in the Idaho Falls area. I am also actively engaged in the practice of selling real estate so I have a good understanding of what is important to the agents I would be serving. I attend conferences and meetings nationally, through Idaho Realtors and also Boise Regional Realtors on a regular basis so I also have a good understand of challenges and opportunities we face as Realtor members in the future. I would be honored to serve the real estate community as Vice President of Boise Regional Realtors.” — Susan Weaver

What three (3) real estate issues are you most passionate about at the moment and why?
1.) Private property rights. I believe a homeowner should be able to use their personal property however they would like and am passionate about protecting those rights.
2.) Helping as many people as possible to purchase a home and or stay in a home. I care about making home ownership a reality for as many people as possible.
3.) Advocating for REALTORs. Our job is so important and I want our industry to be respected because of the quality of agents that are in it that care and uphold high standards in our industry. We have responsibility as REALTORS to represent our industry with strong ethics and integrity and I want the public to see that.
“I am currently a BRR member at large (through 2024). I also serve on the Realtor Community Foundation Board (past 5 years) and on the Realtor outreach committee. I am also on the Idaho Realtor Finance committee. Growing up with a Father who was a CPA, I have always had an interest in budget and finance. I like making a budget, keeping to that budget and seeing where there are opportunities.
I have been the Treasurer for my kids Elementary PTA (one year) as well as Treasurer for Eagle Middle School PTO (3 years). So have been entrusted by others in this arena as well. It would be my honor to serve in this capacity along with my other duties.” — Andrea Anderson

What three (3) real estate issues are you most passionate about at the moment and why?
1. I feel strongly that investing in RPAC is more important than ever due to the lawsuits that NAR is facing regarding the potential elimination of sellers paying the buyers agent commission.
2. I am super excited and nervous at the same time about the effect and impact that A.I. will play in our industry in the coming years.
3. I currently serve as the President of the Idaho VAREP Chapter and am super passionate about helping Veterans access and utilize their VA mortgage benefit.
“I have been involved in many NAR volunteer and staff leadership positions since 2009 at the national, state and local levels in three diffent states. I am currently a member of the BRR Honor Society every year and a Platinum Level Top Producer Awardee for 2022.
I have enjoyed serving on both the BRR Bylaws and RPAC committees and feel that after 5 years of service that I could be a positive contributor to the BRR Board of Directors. I have also been an RPAC Major Investor since 2010 and was inducted into the Hall of Fame in 2021.” — Isaac Chavez

What three (3) real estate issues are you most passionate about at the moment and why?
Private Property Rights, Public Policy, and Realtors Political Action Committee (RPAC). Every political decision affecting Realtors is made at the Local, State or National level. Involvement is the only way to make sure Realtor issues are addressed in the political arena. We have to have a seat at the table in order to effectively address: Affordable Housing, Tax Policy, Zoning Regulations, Short-Term Rental restrictions, and developing communities of “Lasting Value”.
“I’m currently in the last 25% of my career. I have served as a state Director in the 90s MLS president and Boise regional president all in the 1990s. I would like to finish my career serving the realtors association.” — Craig Groves

What three (3) real estate issues are you most passionate about at the moment and why?
Professionalism – this is hard to define and one that is constantly challenged in day to day practice.
Disclosure – this shouldn’t be an issue but I find that it is.
Compensation – given all the legal movement NAR is fighting, this issue could become a bigger problem down the road (hopefully we will prevail and can do business as we have been).
“I have served as a director on the state level and understand the importance of information being shared between state, local and national boards to further the work of all the associations.” — Krista Deacon

What three (3) real estate issues are you most passionate about at the moment and why?
Taxes, affordable housing and growth. These three issues are intertwined and each impact each other. In our valley we have seen unprecedented growth and our industry has an impact on all residents of the valley either directly or indirectly. I’d like to see how we can work on being aware and implement policy on how these issues effect each other.
“I believe I have the interpersonal and life skills to be an effective advocate for our industry and State. I have experience in the policy arena and I am able to work with others to promote goals and relay information back to the membership body in an understandable way.” — Lori Otter

What three (3) real estate issues are you most passionate about at the moment and why?
As a dedicated realtor and candidate for the position of state director, I am passionate about several crucial real estate issues that I believe are of utmost importance at this time. The three issues that I am particularly enthusiastic about are:
Giving back to the industry: I strongly believe in the power of collaboration and support within the real estate community. By promoting initiatives that foster a sense of unity and cooperation among professionals, we can create an environment where everyone thrives.
Protecting homeowners’ rights: Homeownership is a fundamental pillar of our society, and it is essential that we safeguard the rights and interests of homeowners. I am dedicated to advocating for policies that protect homeowners from predatory practices, promote transparency in transactions, and provide access to affordable housing options.
Enhancing education for real estate professionals: Continuous education is crucial for the success and professionalism of real estate agents. I am passionate about improving the educational opportunities available to realtors within our association.
“I am passionate about serving on the local association board of directors because I have witnessed the challenges and opportunities that arise in our local market, and I am committed to leveraging my experience and expertise to contribute to the growth and success of our community..” — Tami Sims

What three (3) real estate issues are you most passionate about at the moment and why?
1. Protecting and promoting home ownership is crucial to ensure a healthy community, families and
2. Technology and innovation will rapidly present challenges and incredible opportunities. It’ll be important to stay as informed as possible while ensuring ethical standards and consumer protection.
3. There are many issue that I’m passionate about in real estate, but without RPAC many of the issues that support home ownership and real estate would fall flat. Continuing to spread the word and getting more realtors involved in RPAC is vitally important.
“Prior to 2023, I served as one of BRR’s National Directors for two terms. I thoroughly enjoyed representing our members and assumed that my time volunteering had probably come to an end as there are so many talented members in our industry. I’d love to be considered!.” — Carey Farmer

What three (3) real estate issues are you most passionate about at the moment and why?
Private Property Rights, Public Policy, and Realtors Political Action Committee (RPAC). Every political decision affecting Realtors is made at the Local, State or National level. Involvement is the only way to make sure Realtor issues are addressed in the political arena. We have to have a seat at the table in order to effectively address: Affordable Housing, Tax Policy, Zoning Regulations, Short-Term Rental restrictions, and developing communities of “Lasting Value”.
“I’m currently in the last 25% of my career. I have served as a state Director in the 90s MLS president and Boise regional president all in the 1990s. I would like to finish my career serving the realtors association.” — Craig Groves

What three (3) real estate issues are you most passionate about at the moment and why?
Taxes, affordable housing and growth. These three issues are intertwined and each impact each other. In our valley we have seen unprecedented growth and our industry has an impact on all residents of the valley either directly or indirectly. I’d like to see how we can work on being aware and implement policy on how these issues effect each other.
“I believe I have the interpersonal and life skills to be an effective advocate for our industry and State. I have experience in the policy arena and I am able to work with others to promote goals and relay information back to the membership body in an understandable way.” — Lori Otter
Per Section 11.5a of BRR’s Bylaws:
Once the approved slate of candidates has been communicated, additional candidates for the offices and positions to be filled may be added to the slate by a petition signed by at least ten percent (10%) of the REALTOR® members eligible to vote. The petition shall be filed with the Chief Executive Officer at least fourteen (14) calendar days before the election.
If you have any questions regarding the slate of candidates or BRR Director Elections, please contact Sam Jaquez at