The Boise Regional REALTORS® Nominating and Elections Committee presents the following list of eligible candidates for positions with the BRR, IR, and NAR boards of directors. All candidates listed below have met the qualifications for the seat(s) for which they are running and are eligible for election (via online ballot) by the BRR membership between Thursday, August 25, 2022, and will conclude at 11:59 p.m. on Wednesday, September 7, 2022.
Per Section 11.3 of the bylaws, no more than three (3) REALTORS® from the same real estate firm may simultaneously serve on the Board of Directors. Should a Director change the real estate firm with which they’re affiliated during their term and become the “fourth” Director from one firm, that Director will be permitted to remain on the Board for the remainder for their term.
Candidates may run for multiple positions on the BRR board, but can only be elected for one position (i.e., Vice President or Director). Candidates can be elected to serve as directors on the BRR, IR, and NAR board at the same time. Members may vote for candidates who are running in multiple races for each respective race, if they choose.
Candidates for each position are listed in alphabetical order. Learn more about the roles and responsibilities of each position here. Click each name to view their profile.
Please note: BRR as an organization cannot endorse any individual candidate but will present and promote all candidates equally to the membership.
Boise Regional REALTORS® Vice President Candidates
Boise Regional REALTORS® Director Candidates
- Carlos Bendeck, John L Scott Boise
- Isaac Chavez, exp Realty
- Josh Cormier, Weichert, REALTORS® – Cormier & Associates
- Krista Deacon, Silvercreek Realty Group
- Michele deReus-McCord, Accel
- Jessica Durham, Grove Realty
- Craig Groves, John L Scott Boise
- Jamie Matzdorff, Keller Williams Realty Boise
- Lucas O’Neill, Keller Williams Realty Boise
- Lori Otter, Amherst Madison
- Alicia Reinhard, Silvercreek Realty Group
- Carolyn Sinnard, Happy Dog Realty
- Ed Sperry, Majestic Idaho Real Estate
- Kelsey Wartman, Silvercreek Realty Group
- Susan Weaver, Silvercreek Realty Group
Idaho REALTORS® Director Candidates
- Carlos Bendeck, John L Scott Boise
- Michele de Reus-McCord, Accel
- Phil Mount, Amherst Madison
- Susan Weaver, Silvercreek Realty Group

2022 – BRR State Director and committee member for the Finance Committee, RPAC Golden R Pres. Circle, Committee member for IR Bylaws Committee 2021 – BRR Board of Director, Idaho Realtors Leadership Academy (20-21), RPAC Sterling R Pres Circle, Committee Member IR Professional Standards, 2020 – BRR Board of Director, RPAC Sterling R Pres Circle, BRR Education Committee member 2019 – BRR Board of Director, RPAC Sterling R, BRR RPAC Committee Member 2018 – Women’s Council of REALTORS® State Governor 2016 – Women’s Council of REALTORS® State President 2014 – Women’s Council of REALTORS® Local President (was Capital City, currently called Boise Metro)
“I am interested in the Boise Regional REALTORS® Vice President Position or Director Position. Being a Director from 2019 – 2021 gave me an incredible insight to the inner workings of the organization. I felt the first year was an eye opener for me to see the workings and how I could contribute. The second and third year, I felt stronger in sharing concerns or asking questions to get clarification and/or start discussions so that we in the Board could make solid decisions for the members we serve. I think that I would do a great job in continuing our solid stewardship that we have had in place for several years. I am honored to throw my hat in the ring and know that this position should not be taken lightly. It is big shoes to fill and I am confident that I could do it (with help of course from the incredible professionals who came before me, are a part of the current board and the incredible staff at BRR).” — Michele de Reus-McCord

Approx. BRR Education Committee 2019, BRR Finance Committee 2018, BRR Board Director 2020-2022, IMLS Rules and Regulations Committee 2019-Current, IMLS Board of Directors 2021-Current, IAR Education Committee 2019
“I have been a part of both BRR and IMLS leadership for the last 4-5 years. I would like to run for Vice President so that I can continue bringing fresh insight as well as continued tradition and classic values. I have looked at several different options to grow in leadership including the IMLS President but after speaking with two past presidents who asked me to run for this position I felt that this role would be more suitable. I would be honored to continue the work I have been apart of for the last several years as the Boise Regional Realtors enters into a new era with our new location and new CEO.” — PJ Johnson

I am currently representing BRR as a State Director, my 3 year term will be up this year and will like to continue to serve. In addition i would like to also be a BRR Director. I have 17 years of experience as a Realtor and love serving other Realtors.
“In the last few years I have been serving in the RPAC committee as well as a State Director representing BRR, I believe I can also contribute to BRR using my experience in my current positions as well as my experience as a Realtor.” — Carlos Bendeck

Isaac is the former CEO of the Idaho Association of REALTORS®. He has been an active REALTOR® in the Treasure Valley for over 4 years and was honored to be a 2021 BRR Top Producer. He currently serves as the Chair of the BRR Bylaws/Governance Committee and sits on the Idaho Realtors Board of Directors.
He has been a Major Investor since 2009 and was recently inducted into the NAR RPAC Hall of Fame. Isaac is also a proud veteran the U.S. Army JAG Corps Reserves and currently serves as the Board President of the Veterans Association of Real Estate Professionals (VAREP).
“This broad, high-level experience has given me a very deep knowledge of the real estate industry in all aspects. I look forward to the opportunity to put my experience to work representing my fellow Treasure Valley REALTOR® colleagues as a BRR Director. I have always believed in service and giving back to our great industry/profession that has been so generous to my family over the years is truly an honor.” — Isaac Chavez

Beginning this year, I will be teaching classes for IREC and BRR. I have served the Communications Advisory Group the past two years.
“In the early days of COVID, when we weren’t sure that we would be allowed to work at all, the only offering of hope we had at that time came in the form of Michelle Bailey’s emails. Our leadership lobbied for us and protected us. From then on, I became not only a supporter of our organization but an advocate. This industry has treated me well. I feel a responsibility to give back to it in any way that I can.” — Josh Cormier

I have volunteered for associations ever since I got my real estate license in 2006. I love the sense of community and being involved with our industry and what members need. Currently on BRR Board (various years from 2010-present), BRR REALTOR Foundation Board (various years from 2008 to present), IR Board (2015 to present), NAR Director (2016 to present).
“The work that the board does is so important to our community. For this reason, I would love to stay involved with the work of the association.” — Krista Deacon

2022 – BRR State Director and committee member for the Finance Committee, RPAC Golden R Pres. Circle, Committee member for IR Bylaws Committee 2021 – BRR Board of Director, Idaho Realtors Leadership Academy (20-21), RPAC Sterling R Pres Circle, Committee Member IR Professional Standards, 2020 – BRR Board of Director, RPAC Sterling R Pres Circle, BRR Education Committee member 2019 – BRR Board of Director, RPAC Sterling R, BRR RPAC Committee Member 2018 – Women’s Council of REALTORS® State Governor 2016 – Women’s Council of REALTORS® State President 2014 – Women’s Council of REALTORS® Local President (was Capital City, currently called Boise Metro)
“If I was not elected to the Vice President Position, then I would like to run for the Director Position. I was on the Board when the decision to renovate the Bethel building or purchase new. It was an incredible experience and I would love to be apart of seeing that project to fruition for our members. In addition, to continue to listen to our members and bring their opinions to the Board for discussion.” — Michele de Reus-McCord

Urban Land Institute’s (ULI) Management Committee (2020-Present) ULI – Idaho NEXT Chapter Chair (2020-2021) ULI Women’s Leadership Initiative Chair (2022) Young Professionals Network’s Board of Directors as the Vice-Chair (2020), Chair (2021) BRR Communications Committee (2021), BRR Education Committee (2022), BRR Affiliate Advisory Committee (2022), BRR State Director (2022)
“I am committed to providing exceptional, personalized service in all areas of the real estate market. As a licensed Realtor for over seventeen years and a broker since 2018, I have built my business on extensive knowledge and commitment to providing only the best and most timely information to my clients. Specializing in a wide array of real estate projects including residential sales, land development, market segmentation and demographics studies, subdivision and property management, and marketing strategy implementation. I have worked as one of a select few agents in Boise who represent St. Luke’s in their corporate relocation program, successfully working with incoming doctors and nurses relocating to the area. Additionally, I’m proud to serve on numerous community and real estate-focused boards and committees in the Treasure Valley which have empowered me to remain well-connected within the real estate community. I serve on the Urban Land Institute’s Management Committee as the Idaho NEXT Chapter Chair (2020-2021), upcoming Urban Land Institute’s Women’s Leadership Initiative Chair (2022), Young Professionals Network’s Board of Directors as the Vice-Chair, Boise Regional Realtors (BRR) Communications Committee (2021), and BRR Foundation Realtor Outreach Committee (2021). I combine my love of education with a passion for real estate. I hold a bachelor’s degree in marketing from Boise State University and an MBA from Northwest Nazarene University and use my business background to strategically market properties and navigate the complex financial aspects of the real estate market. ” — Jessica Durham

I served as MLS Chairman in the early 90’s, and Ada County Association of Realtors (AKA Boise Regional Realtors) president in 1992. I have served on many committees in the last 43 years and currently serve on the RPAC and Public Policy Committees.
“I have served as a Director for the Ada County Association of Realtors (aka Boise Regional Realtors) in the past. I would be honored to serve again.” — Craig Groves

Originally I began as a member of the Realtor Outreach Committee in 2018 then supported in the leadership roles as Co Chair then the Chair. Now I am the Vice President of the Community Foundation and hope to serve as the President next year. I’ve practiced real estate professionally for about 6 years most of my time spent at Keller Williams Realty Boise.
“Over the years I’ve had the privilege to move up through the ranks so to speak. It has been very important and valuable to learn each role one at a time as well as continue building relationships with peers and within the community that we support. Being surrounded by professionals that hold such a high level of integrity, knowledge and leadership has truly been an honor and I hope to have the opportunity to mentor in the industry as much as I’ve been mentored too. I believe the continuously, intentionally staying knowledgeable and aware of the market helps me to see different perspectives from leadership positions so I’m able to lead for the greater good.” — Jamie Matzdorff

I have held many volunteer roles to include my current role as the Realtor Outreach Committee Chair.
“Full transparency, my role early will be to learn where I can be effective. Secondary to that I believe is spreading information to others. I believe there is a void regarding RPAC as many seeing it only as a fundraising.” — Lucas O’Neill

I have served two terms on the RPAC and Public policy committee (2020-2022) as well as the scholarship in IR in 2022. I have completed the Idaho Realtor Leadership Academy in 2020. I have attended State convention each year since becoming a realtor in 2018. I look forward to using my skills to help the Realtor organization in any way possible, as I believe a person needs to serve what they love… and I love that I have found a third career in real estate that allows me to use my accumulated experiences to help the people of Idaho … and to help people discover Idaho. I have many Volunteer leadership positions including creating the Idaho Meth Project, a statewide drug prevention program and successfully running that program for 15 years.
“I believe I have life and career experiences that would help me contribute to the processes and systems of BRR. I would seek to provide sound input and work collaboratively with other members to help create a successful environment to help all agents be successful. I believe BRR is there to represent the needs of new and veteran agents, while upholding the ethics and standards of our industry. I have experience with volunteer board work and committee work, and would love to be a part of the Boise Regional Realtor Association, I am only 4 years into my real estate adventure and have been impressed by the quality of people involved in leadership, and I would be honored to work alongside them.” — Lori Otter

2021 Boise Metro Women’s Council Entrepreneur of the year; 2022 Chair BRR REALTORS® Political Action Committee
“For nearly 20 years, I’ve had the pleasure of tackling service here in the Treasure Valley. I started my career in the real estate industry 19 years ago. I began honing my craft in all aspects of the trade to include: title, escrow, 1031 tax-deferred exchanges, and real estate business development. Through my active industry involvement, I bring my talent and enthusiasm to help move my local association in industry forward.” — Alicia Reinhard

I have served on the BRR and IR Education committees, IR Scholarship committee for several years. I was a BRR, IR and IMLS Director over a couple of years.
“I enjoy volunteering as it allows me to contribute to the growth and future success of the BRR organization, plus to give back to the industry by making a difference in board involvement. BRR is made up of a wonderful community of knowledgeable and helpful REALTORS® and affiliates, which helps me to learn more about the real estate industry locally, statewide, and nationally.” — Carolyn Sinnard

I have been an active agent or broker since 1976. I have owned multiple brokerages. I served on every committee at the old Salt Lake Board of Realtors and chaired multiple committees from 1979 until 1988. I then served on multiple committees for the Wasatch Front Regional Realtors until 2007. I have served on multiple committees for Boise Regional Realtors including RPAC, Education, Public Policy and the Board of Directors as a Director and as Treasurer. I I have served on multiple committees for the Utah Association of Realtors. I served on the Fair Housing Committee in 1976 the Committee was able to convince the Board of Realtors/Directors to become a signor to the Fair Housing Act. I served on the Committee that was able to rewrite Utah Law to allow Home Owners to discard racially charged and discriminatory language and practices in CC&R’s with out having to incur large legal bills or sue their association to change the language and practices. I have spent my adult life in service to all of the Realtor Organizations I have been a member of. I love the practice of real estate and believe that we have been given a great gift as practitioners. I recognize that I have an obligation to do all that I can to protect private property rights and as an extension protect the practice of real estate.
“I believe the role of a director requires a fiduciary commitment in guiding the Board to a sustainable and exciting future. I bring sound ethical and legal skills to governance tempered by a commitment to strong financial management. I have an independent and diverse approach and perspective to problem solving. I keep well informed of current issues and how they will impact our association and engage. I hope it never happens to us but, if a crisis develops I have the abilities, training, and temperament to guide, direct, and, survive direct hits to our profession and our association. I work to build close relationships, stay accountable, and act in the best interest of the association and to all of our members.” — Ed Sperry

I served on the local YPN board and the communications committee for 7 consecutive years. I was the Chair of the Communications Committee 2 of those years. I have been a member Women’s Council of Realtors for 8 years serving at both the local and state board 4 of those years. I have also served on the professional development and safety committee at Idaho Realtors in 2021 and the Convention Committee in 2022. I am currently serving as a State Director for BRR.
“My position allows me the chance to meet agents within and outside of my brokerage. I also get the opportunity to hear the needs of our members on a daily basis, I feel I could contribute a voice of our members and vote based on what is best for the membership.” — Kelsey Wartman

I have been involved in local, state and national leadership and an active REALTOR for 27 years. I currently serve on the board of directors for Boise Regional Realtors and Idaho Realtors, the Public Policy chair for BRR and the on the NAR committee for Professional Standards as well as on IR’s Pro Standards committee.
“I have 27 years of full time experience in all aspects of real estate and real estate leadership and feel I bring a lot to the table based on that experience.” — Susan Weaver

I am currently representing BRR as a State Director, my 3 year term will be up this year and will like to continue to serve. In addition i would like to also be a BRR Director. I have 17 years of experience as a Realtor and love serving other Realtors.
“I am currently serving as a State Director and will like to continue to serve.” — Carlos Bendeck

2022 – BRR State Director and committee member for the Finance Committee, RPAC Golden R Pres. Circle, Committee member for IR Bylaws Committee 2021 – BRR Board of Director, Idaho Realtors Leadership Academy (20-21), RPAC Sterling R Pres Circle, Committee Member IR Professional Standards, 2020 – BRR Board of Director, RPAC Sterling R Pres Circle, BRR Education Committee member 2019 – BRR Board of Director, RPAC Sterling R, BRR RPAC Committee Member 2018 – Women’s Council of REALTORS® State Governor 2016 – Women’s Council of REALTORS® State President 2014 – Women’s Council of REALTORS® Local President (was Capital City, currently called Boise Metro)
“I am currently holding this position now and would love to continue representing BRR at the State level.” — Michele de Reus-McCord

RPAC Major Investor 2015-2022, Hall of Fame 2020 2019 BRR President BRR Board 2014-2020 BRR Public Policy Committee 2016-2022, Chair in 2018 BRR RPAC Committee 2010-2022, Vice-Chair 2022 BRR Communications Committee 2010-2015, Chair 2014 BRR State Director 2014-2022 BRR Community Foundation Treasurer 2022 BRR Community Foundation Board 2018-2022 IR Legislative Affairs Committee 2016-2022 IR Trustee 2018-2022 IR State Political Coordinator 2020-2022 NAR RPMIC 2021-2022
“It has been my privilege to represent BRR on the Idaho REALTORS® board since 2015, and I believe I have added value to both organizations with my engagement. As the organization continues to grow and evolve, there is more to do to bring value to our members, and I hope to bring my experience in continued service to our members.” — Phil Mount

I have been involved in local, state and national leadership and an active REALTOR for 27 years. I currently serve on the board of directors for Boise Regional Realtors and Idaho Realtors, the Public Policy chair for BRR and the on the NAR committee for Professional Standards as well as on IR’s Pro Standards committee.
“I currently serve as a state director for Idaho REALTOR’s and would be honored to continue to serve in that capacity.” — Susan Weaver

Urban Land Institute’s (ULI) Management Committee (2020-Present) ULI – Idaho NEXT Chapter Chair (2020-2021) ULI Women’s Leadership Initiative Chair (2022) Young Professionals Network’s Board of Directors as the Vice-Chair (2020), Chair (2021) BRR Communications Committee (2021), BRR Education Committee (2022), BRR Affiliate Advisory Committee (2022), BRR State Director (2022)
“I am committed to providing exceptional, personalized service in all areas of the real estate market. As a licensed Realtor for over seventeen years and a broker since 2018, I have built my business on extensive knowledge and commitment to providing only the best and most timely information to my clients. Specializing in a wide array of real estate projects including residential sales, land development, market segmentation and demographics studies, subdivision and property management, and marketing strategy implementation. I have worked as one of a select few agents in Boise who represent St. Luke’s in their corporate relocation program, successfully working with incoming doctors and nurses relocating to the area. Additionally, I’m proud to serve on numerous community and real estate-focused boards and committees in the Treasure Valley which have empowered me to remain well-connected within the real estate community. I serve on the Urban Land Institute’s Management Committee as the Idaho NEXT Chapter Chair (2020-2021), upcoming Urban Land Institute’s Women’s Leadership Initiative Chair (2022), Young Professionals Network’s Board of Directors as the Vice-Chair, Boise Regional Realtors (BRR) Communications Committee (2021), and BRR Foundation Realtor Outreach Committee (2021). I combine my love of education with a passion for real estate. I hold a bachelor’s degree in marketing from Boise State University and an MBA from Northwest Nazarene University and use my business background to strategically market properties and navigate the complex financial aspects of the real estate market.” — Jessica Durham

I served as MLS Chairman in the early 90’s, and Ada County Association of Realtors (AKA Boise Regional Realtors) president in 1992. I have served on many committees in the last 43 years and currently serve on the RPAC and Public Policy Committees.
“I have time in my schedule to adequately represent Idaho Realtors and National Realtors interest at the National Association of Realtors. I have a strong understanding of the issues facing our industry and would be honored to serve.” — Craig Groves

RPAC Major Investor 2015-2022, Hall of Fame 2020 2019 BRR President BRR Board 2014-2020 BRR Public Policy Committee 2016-2022, Chair in 2018 BRR RPAC Committee 2010-2022, Vice-Chair 2022 BRR Communications Committee 2010-2015, Chair 2014 BRR State Director 2014-2022 BRR Community Foundation Treasurer 2022 BRR Community Foundation Board 2018-2022 IR Legislative Affairs Committee 2016-2022 IR Trustee 2018-2022 IR State Political Coordinator 2020-2022 NAR RPMIC 2021-2022
“The REALTOR® organization and its engagement at the local, state and national levels exemplifies the commitment to service I believe in completely. As an engaged member who has invested my time, money and passion in the REALTOR® organization since I became a licensed agent, it would be my privilege to serve this organization as BRR’s representative at NAR. I bring my experience from service as BRR President and Board member, IMLS Board Member, BRR Community Foundation Board Member, and Idaho REALTORS® Board Member to this position.” — Phil Mount

I have served two terms on the RPAC and Public policy committee (2020-2022) as well as the scholarship in IR in 2022. I have completed the Idaho Realtor Leadership Academy in 2020. I have attended State convention each year since becoming a realtor in 2018. I look forward to using my skills to help the Realtor organization in any way possible, as I believe a person needs to serve what they love… and I love that I have found a third career in real estate that allows me to use my accumulated experiences to help the people of Idaho … and to help people discover Idaho. I have many Volunteer leadership positions including creating the Idaho Meth Project, a statewide drug prevention program and successfully running that program for 15 years.
“I believe I have life and career experiences, as a teacher and First Lady of Idaho, that would help me represent BRR at the National level. I would seek to provide sound input and work collaboratively with other members to fully represent our agents. I believe BRR is there to represent the needs of new and veteran agents, while upholding the ethics and standards of our industry in Idaho in collaboration with the National Assoc of Realtors. I have experience with volunteer board work and committee work and would love to be considered for the National Association of Realtors Director from BRR, I am only 4 years into my real estate adventure and have been impressed by the quality of people involved in leadership, and I would be honored to work alongside them and enthusiastically promote our state and represent BRR.” — Lori Otter
Per Section 11.5a of BRR’s Bylaws:
Once the approved slate of candidates has been communicated, additional candidates for the offices and positions to be filled may be added to the slate by a petition signed by at least ten percent (10%) of the REALTOR® members eligible to vote. The petition shall be filed with the Chief Executive Officer at least fourteen (14) calendar days before the election. Since the position of CEO is currently vacant, petitions can be directed to BRR Project Manager Sam Jaquez at
If you have any questions regarding the slate of candidates or BRR Director Elections, please contact Sam Jaquez at